Coding Vibes

Inside the emotional roller coaster of my coding experience

Sinatra Grocery Shopper App

Many thoughts, many ideas… All of them lead to really ambitious projects, but which one will be THE ONE? Back to the usual exhistential questions, I decided in the end to work on something that with future updates and improvements might become a useful app. I had the idea about this project walking through the hall of the condo where I live. Why not be useful to older people, busy parents or just lazy folks and help them out with their daily food shopping? Why not build something that might make the whole process smoother and a little more technological than the old pensil and pen? This was my starting point and the results I reached, are promising for future actual uses. The user will be able to signup/login as a Client or as a Shopper:

Cli gem project you don't scare me... ok, maybe a little!

I would lie saying that it’s been an easy and fun time the one spent on this project. First of all, as I guess happened to many of you, it took me literally two days to decide WHAT TO DO.

Ruby Operators

I remember how the first time a couple of these concepts gave me a hard time, so I thought it might be useful to write them down in case this might help someone else still struggling with them!

Variables and Methods in Ruby

These are two fundamental concepts in Ruby that every programmer needs to have very clear in his mind:

WHO are you and WHY exactly are you here?

These are really looong and probably tough questions to fully answer, but for today I guess I’ll just stick to the coding journey. Who am I eh? Well, I’m a regular Italian guy who had his share in big life-changing events and recently added another one to the collection… I got married and moved my entire life almost to the other side of the world, in an awful and always rainy city called… San Diego, California! lol!